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Resources to Find Student Car Insurance

Being a college student has a lot of learning involved with it besides the actual education process. For many of us it is our first real budgeting experience where we have to learn from our own mistakes. We quickly learn to shop and budget for everything we need and find the best deals there is. Our very survival a lot of times depends on our ability to find what we absolutely have to have and buying it cheap or second hand. Many a college student has had to live on Ramon noodles for a week or two due to over spending at one point. So having to pay for student car insurance can be difficult for most students.

Most students go to college with a car that gets good gas mileage and can save money there. Getting and finding the right affordable car insurance can seem over whelming at times. Like all things college students shop for, they need the best price they can get. Getting affordable student car insurance can be the difference between Ramon noodles or eating well. How to find that affordable insurance that can save you time and money is a key to getting the right insurance. The internet brings to each of us the ability to shop and compare to get the right car insurance that is designed for the college student. Most of the time you can save by being included under your parent’s car insurance policy if that is possible. You can just pay for it and can save a lot of money that way. Depending on your driving record and that of your parents this method is hard to beat but it is not always possible for all students.

Being a distant student can get you a distant student discount with many companies and if you shop around it you can get a very affordable rate for being a student. The type of vehicle you drive can be one of the easiest ways to save big on your car insurance needs. A sports car is going to coast you a lot more than a Honda Civic. Cars with outstanding safety records are much more affordable to insure than are other automobiles. Being a good student can get you a hefty savings and be great way to save on your student car insurance. A certain GPA is required and you must provide the insurance company with proof in the form of your report card or transcripts. To qualify for good student discounts you must be enrolled as a full time student and provide proof of that.

A smart way to get an affordable policy discount is to take a defensive driving course and have it documented and presented to your insurance agent. The cost of the course will save you big in the long run and is a good investment in your driving skills. The better driver you are of course, saves you money, and not having accidents or traffic citation can add big discounts to your policy. Believe it or not your credit can do a lot to saving you a bunch of cash. That along with a way to prove financial stability is a key factor that many insurance companies consider for giving discounts. Not having any lapses in your previous insurance coverage is an area that many insurance companies give discounts to as well. Having had a continuous policy for a period of time should merit you a discount with your company. You may have to ask them for it but they should be able to lower your rate. If not, there are companies that will give you that discount on car insurance for students as long as you didn’t let it lapse when searching for a new one.



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